Cancellation/Refund Policy
If you choose to cancel your order before it has been shipped or picked up by a courier, then a full refund including freight charges will be provided. The refund will be processed usually within 3 days or as soon as reasonable possible.
If your order has already been shipped and you wish to cancel your order, then a refund of the product only will be refunded, the freight costs will still be incurred by the purchaser, including the return costs. A refund will only be processed after the product has been returned to Permatrim Marine Ltd, in an unused condition.
Before a Refund will be granted, you will need to have emailed Permatrim Marine Ltd, &/or the Distributor you purchased the Permatrim from, to obtain consent to return the Permatrim for a refund.
60 Day money back Satisfaction Guarantee.
If a Purchaser is not satisfied with the performance of their Permatrim Hydrofoil, They can request a refund from Permatrim
Marine Ltd. Refunds will be made at the discretion of Permatrim Marine Ltd. A refund will only cover the cost of the Permatrim Hydrofoil, it will not cover Freight costs.
The Permatrim has to be returned to the place of purchase before a refund will be made, along with the purchase receipt.